Higerlas own stock of PIC10LF322T-I/OT ,SOT-236 ,MICROCHIP ,2022+ , 3000/Reel , Total Quantity: 10823PCS,hot sale.

The PIC10LF322T-I/OT is a microcontroller from Microchip Technology with the following features and specifications:

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PIC10LF322T-I/OT Key Features:

  • Core: 8-bit PIC® MCU
  • Operating Voltage: 1.8V to 3.6V
  • Flash Program Memory: 896 Bytes
  • RAM: 64 Bytes
  • EEPROM: 128 Bytes
  • I/O Pins: 4
  • Package: SOT-23-6
  • Peripherals:
  • Enhanced Timer (TMR2)
  • 8-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)
  • Configurable Logic Cell (CLC)
  • Numerically Controlled Oscillator (NCO)
  • Complementary Waveform Generator

PIC10LF322T-I/OT Additional Details:

  • Low Power Consumption: Ideal for battery-powered applications.
  • Wide Operating Voltage Range: Suitable for a variety of power supplies.
  • Integrated Peripherals: Useful for signal measurement, control, and generation tasks.

PIC10LF322T-I/OT Applications:

  • Portable devices
  • Sensor interface
  • Small form factor applications
  • Consumer electronics

For more detailed information, you can refer to the official datasheet from Microchip Technology:


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Using the PIC10LF322T-I/OT microcontroller involves several steps, from setting up the hardware to writing and uploading code to the microcontroller. Here’s a basic guide to get you started:

PIC10LF322T-I/OT 1. Set Up the Hardware:

PIC10LF322T-I/OT Tools and Materials Needed:

  • PIC10LF322T-I/OT microcontroller
  • Breadboard and jumper wires (if prototyping)
  • Power supply (1.8V to 3.6V)
  • Capacitors (for power stabilization)
  • Programming tool (e.g., PICkit 3 or PICkit 4)
  • PC with MPLAB X IDE installed

PIC10LF322T-I/OT Connections:

  • Power: Connect VDD to the positive supply voltage and VSS to the ground.
  • Programming Pins: Connect the ICSP (In-Circuit Serial Programming) pins (VPP/MCLR, ICSPDAT, and ICSPCLK) to the corresponding pins on the programmer.
  • I/O Pins: Connect any additional components (sensors, LEDs, etc.) to the appropriate I/O pins.

PIC10LF322T-I/OT 2. Install Software:


  • Download and install MPLAB X IDE from Microchip’s official website.
  • Optionally, install MPLAB Code Configurator (MCC) to help with code generation.

PIC10LF322T-I/OT XC8 Compiler:

  • Download and install the XC8 compiler, which is necessary for compiling code for PIC microcontrollers.

PIC10LF322T-I/OT 3. Create a New Project:

  1. Open MPLAB X IDE:
  • Go to File -> New Project.
  • Select Microchip Embedded -> Standalone Project.
  • Choose your device (PIC10LF322T).
  • Select the programmer (e.g., PICkit 3).
  • Name your project and select a location to save it.
  1. Configure the Project:
  • If using MCC, open it via Tools -> Embedded -> MPLAB Code Configurator.
  • Use MCC to configure device settings, peripherals, and generate initialization code.

PIC10LF322T-I/OT 4. Write Your Code:

  1. Initialize Peripherals:
  • Set up configuration bits (oscillator settings, watchdog timer, etc.).
  • Initialize any peripherals you plan to use (ADC, timers, etc.).
  1. Main Code:
  • Write your main application code in the main.c file. Here’s a simple example that blinks an LED:
   // Include necessary header files
   #include <xc.h>

   // Configuration bits
   #pragma config FOSC = INTRCIO  // Internal oscillator
   #pragma config WDTE = OFF      // Watchdog Timer disabled
   #pragma config PWRTE = ON      // Power-up Timer enabled
   #pragma config MCLRE = OFF     // MCLR pin function is digital input
   #pragma config CP = OFF        // Code protection is disabled
   #pragma config BOREN = ON      // Brown-out Reset enabled
   #pragma config CLKOUTEN = OFF  // CLKOUT function is disabled

   void main(void) {
       TRISAbits.TRISA0 = 0; // Set RA0 as output (LED)
       while (1) {
           LATAbits.LATA0 = 1; // Turn on LED
           __delay_ms(500);    // Delay 500 ms
           LATAbits.LATA0 = 0; // Turn off LED
           __delay_ms(500);    // Delay 500 ms

PIC10LF322T-I/OT 5. Compile and Program:

  1. Build the Project:
  • Click on the Build button (hammer icon) to compile your code.
  1. Program the Microcontroller:
  • Connect the programmer to your PC and the microcontroller.
  • Click on the Make and Program Device button (downward arrow icon) to upload the code to the microcontroller.

PIC10LF322T-I/OT 6. Test Your Setup:

  • Power the microcontroller and observe the behavior of your application (e.g., the LED should blink).

PIC10LF322T-I/OT 7. Debugging:

  • Use MPLAB X IDE’s debugging tools to troubleshoot and refine your code.

This is a basic guide to get you started with the PIC10LF322T-I/OT microcontroller. For more detailed information, refer to the PIC10LF322T datasheet and Microchip’s documentation and application notes.

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